Please Update Your Card Information


Oops! It looks like we had some trouble processing your current credit card on file.


Please select the “Renew Now” button under your current plan, fill out the form and complete payment with your NEW card information to ensure that service continues uninterrupted.


If you do not update your payment before the next billing cycle, your account will be disabled. Monthly payment plans will revert to current one-time pricing to resume service if payment is not processed within 30 days of due date.


*Please Note: If you currently have “One Can” on your service plan, you will need to contact us to update your card on file, 949-709-1060.


Monthly Plans


Choose the monthly option that works best for you. Click on the “Buy Now” button underneath the number of cans you would like serviced and complete the form to confirm your order.  



Up to Two Cans
Renew Now!
Three Cans
Renew Now!
Four Cans
Renew Now!
Five Cans
Renew Now!



Annual Plans


Choose the annual option that works best for you. Click on the “Buy Now” button underneath the number of cans you would like serviced and complete the form to confirm your order.  



Up to Two Cans
Renew Now!
Three Cans
Renew Now!
Four Cans
Renew Now!
Five Cans
Renew Now!


Please Note: There is an additional surcharge of $5.00 per cleaning for each Yard/Organic Waste container as these cans require more time and resources to clean (surcharge may reflect separate on your billing, if applicable).


*No refunds on annual plans*


Don’t see your plan? For more information or to renew service for 6 or more cans, please Contact Us or call us at (949) 709-1060