How does the trash can cleaning service work?
Our regular trash can cleaning service comes to your neighborhood once each month, the day immediately following a regular trash collection day. This includes Saturday if your collection day is on a Friday. To inquire as to when we service your neighborhood, please call or email us.
If you absolutely cannot wait until the next time our trucks are scheduled for your neighborhood, we do offer an “Emergency Service”. Call or email us and we will provide a quote for the additional fee. The surcharge is dependent on the closest truck to your location, on the day of service. Emergency Service is not guaranteed and depends on availability.
There is no need for you to be at home. Just leave the trash cans, which you scheduled service for, at the curb by 7 a.m. the morning of service and the automated truck will clean, deodorize and sanitize the trash cans right at your curb.
We would prefer you leave the trash cans at the curb but if this is not possible they should be visible from the street and readily accessible.
How much does it cost?
Monthly Trash Can Cleaning Service – Monthly and Annual Payment Options
- Up to two trash cans $29 per month ($348 per year)
- Additional trash cans $13.25 per month per can ($159 per year)
- There is a $6 surcharge for each Yard Waste container per cleaning ($72 per year) as these cans take more time & resources to clean.
One Time Trash Can Cleaning Service
- $45 per can (min 2 cans).
- Additional trash cans $45 each or take advantage of our Current Special Offer, $115 for 3 cans.
- After the one time cleaning you can choose to continue service on a monthly basis with the option of discontinuing service at any time. Depending on the amount and type of buildup on the trash cans and how long ago since they were last cleaned, your trash cans could require more than a one time clean.
Do I have to pre-pay for the entire year?
No, if you prefer to pay monthly, this option is available. Your first cleaning will be charged equivalent to the one-time pricing and then the monthly discounted rate will apply to your continued monthly cleanings. If you prefer to pay for the entire year outright, then the price will be set to monthly discounted rate x 12 months. Annual plans will not refunded if you cancel prior to the 12 month plan term. Monthly plans can be canceled at anytime. Both plans are set to auto-renewals (ie. Monthly or Annually). You may request to disable the auto-renew at anytime.
If I sign up, when will you clean my trash cans?
Our trash can cleaning service comes to your neighborhood once each month, the day immediately following the trash collection day. This INCLUDES Saturday if your trash collection day is on a Friday.
An information package will be emailed to you, which includes the date of your service and an annual calendar. To avoid this email going to your Junk Folder, add OC Clean A Can to your contact list, friend list or address book.
We do provide a courtesy reminder the day before your service. We can call, text, or email – or any combination of.
If you absolutely cannot wait until the next time our trucks are scheduled for your neighborhood, we do offer an “Emergency Service”. Call or email us and we will provide a quote for the additional fee. The surcharge is dependent on the closest truck to your location, on the day of service.
Do I have to sign up ALL of my trash cans?
No. You can sign up for a minimum of 2 cans or as many cans as you would like. All pricing is per trash can. This is also true after a one time trash cleaning if you elect to continue the service on a monthly basis.
There is a $6 surcharge for the Yard (green) Waste can, per can, per cleaning, as these cans take more time & resources to clean..
Do you provide a one time trash can cleaning service?
Yes. The cost is slightly higher because trash cans, which are not being cleaned regularly, will take much longer to clean.
Please note: Our technicians will try their very best to get your trash cans clean. However, there is no guarantee all the grime and buildup will be removed with a one time cleaning. Depending on the amount and type of buildup on the trash cans and how long ago since they were last cleaned, your trash cans could require more than a one time clean. For this reason we do offer a monthly payment option exclusively to our one time customers. After the one time clean you can elect to continue the service each month, with the monthly payment option, and discontinue the service at anytime.
Can I alternate or rotate cans each cleaning cycle?
Sorry but no. Each container has its own identification number and only trash cans that have a scheduled service will be cleaned.
You can add the occasional can for $20/can/cleaning (additional $6 surcharge for Yard Waste if applicable) by notifying us prior to your next service date.
What happens if I move out of the OC Clean A Can trash can cleaning service area?
If you relocate to a neighborhood that is not in our service area, you may gift the remaining service to anyone within our service area minus a $25 transfer fee which will be deducted from the balance on your account. If you are anticipating that you might be moving out of our service area, please give us a call to discuss monthly payment plans. Refunds are not permitted for any plans once purchased. Annual plans will not be refunded if you cancel prior to the 12 month plan term. Monthly plans can be canceled at anytime. Both plans are set to auto-renewals (ie. Monthly or Annually). You may request to disable the auto-renew at anytime.
What if my HOA will not allow my cans out past a certain time on trash collection day…and certainly not the day after?
There are two possible solutions to this problem:
- You can leave your trash cans up by the garage, the side of the house, or anywhere where we can reasonably have access to them without needing to walk inside an enclosure. We will return them to that same spot when we finish our work. We will only go behind a gate if you give us authorization to do so. Requests to retrieve can(s) from behind a gate, must be approved by our office prior to the service date and may include an additional charge for the extra service.
- In addition, you can give us the contact information to the HOA Board and/or Manager and we will discuss the situation with them to see if we might be able to come up with a solution that can make allowance for a possible exception during “OC Clean A Can service day”. Many HOA’s work with us once they understand the health and aesthetic benefits to the community. HOA’s do ask us to serve their entire community and we are happy to do so at discounted rates.
What if my trash cans have trash in them the day after my trash is picked up?
We would prefer the trash cans to be empty. Our technicians will remove 1 to 2 bags of trash, clean, sanitize, and deodorize your trash cans, and then place the bags back inside when done.
We reserve the right not to provide service if there is:
- Unbagged trash – including excessive loose trash, yard clippings, diapers or animal waste.
- Hazardous waste – including chemicals, paint, glue, or other adhesives.
- Building materials – including plaster, stucco, or concrete.
If there are more than two bags of trash, excessive loose trash, hazardous waste or building materials, please notify us prior to 7 a.m. and we will skip the cleaning that day and credit your account. However, we cannot credit your account if you do not notify us before 7:00 a.m.
If we are unable to service a trash can for any reason, we will take pictures showing why the trash can could not cleaned and leave you a note explaining why.
What if I am away and cannot have my empty trash cans available to you on my service day?
Simply call or email us in advance of your cleaning day and we will credit you for that month, skip your cleaning, and see you the following month. Unfortunately, if you do not notify us and we go to provide the service, your account can not be credited.
What if I forget when my scheduled cleaning day is or lose my cleaning schedule.
No problem, if you email us at we will send you out a new schedule.
It is your responsibility to have your trash cans out for cleaning. We do provide a service reminder the day before as a courtesy. It is an automated system with no guarantees. Just notify us if you are not receiving the reminder or would like to change/add a phone or email notification. Since the reminder is a courtesy and it is your responsibility to have the trash cans available for cleaning, if we go to provide the service and your trash cans are not available, your account cannot be credited.
What if your truck does not show up on my scheduled cleaning day?
If this were to happen, we would notify you as soon as possible and we would issue you a credit in lieu of that months service or try and reschedule service for a later day if available. If this is not possible, we would be back on schedule the following month.
How will I know when my trash cans have been cleaned and it is OK to bring them inside?
You will see our “Cleaned, Sanitized & Deodorized” sticker either on the handle or the top of a trash can scheduled for service.
If my trash cans are not available for servicing, will I receive credit for the missed cleaning?
Yes, if you notify us prior to 7 a.m. the day of service your account will be credited for the missed cleaning, up to 3 times in a 12 month period.
If you do not notify us and we go to provide the service, unfortunately your account can not be credited once a technician has arrived at your residence as travel/fuel costs have been incurred, as well as time spent photo documenting and notifying cans not available for service.
Can I expect the driver to knock on my door if my cans are not out?
Cleaning schedules are emailed attached with your original confirmation email. Cleaning schedules can be requested at anytime. Courtesy reminders are sent the day before service. However, it is your responsibility to have your trash cans available for servicing. Please do not rely on the driver to knock on your door or call you.
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